If you are having a difficult time or just want to talk with someone, please feel free to contact us. We would love to listen and pray with you.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer support is available Sunday mornings upon request and through our email prayer chain. Please let us know if we can pray for your specific needs or concerns by clicking here.
Faith Community Nurse Services
A Faith Community Nurse is a registered nurse who focuses on health promotion and disease prevention, integrating the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of health for every client. The Faith Community Nurse does not provide direct patient care. Faith Community Nurse services are available to anyone. If you need assistance with health education, resource referrals, home and hospital visits, or counseling concerning health questions or integration of faith and health, contact our Faith Community Nurse, Carol Heimann by email.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one, confidential, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing grief, divorce, illness, job loss, loneliness, disability, relocation, or other life difficulties. All Stephen Ministers are trained and have been commissioned by the congregation. For more information, click here.
Care Ministry
RLC’s Care Ministers are called and trained to provide confidential short-term spiritual support through hospital, nursing home and homebound visits, phone calls and cards. If you are interested in providing support as a Care Minister or know of someone who needs support, please click here.
Prayer support is available Sunday mornings upon request and through our email prayer chain. Please let us know if we can pray for your specific needs or concerns by clicking here.
Faith Community Nurse Services
A Faith Community Nurse is a registered nurse who focuses on health promotion and disease prevention, integrating the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of health for every client. The Faith Community Nurse does not provide direct patient care. Faith Community Nurse services are available to anyone. If you need assistance with health education, resource referrals, home and hospital visits, or counseling concerning health questions or integration of faith and health, contact our Faith Community Nurse, Carol Heimann by email.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one, confidential, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing grief, divorce, illness, job loss, loneliness, disability, relocation, or other life difficulties. All Stephen Ministers are trained and have been commissioned by the congregation. For more information, click here.
Care Ministry
RLC’s Care Ministers are called and trained to provide confidential short-term spiritual support through hospital, nursing home and homebound visits, phone calls and cards. If you are interested in providing support as a Care Minister or know of someone who needs support, please click here.